
Delft University of Technology / 2018 / 4 months / research & technology / group project with Yuxiang Wang, Doris Boschma, Nitin Gurram, David Schuit, Shaoyun Wang, Marek Torbus

The ICU is a highly critical environment in which patients are monitored continuously. The alarms are crucial, but they also create a noisy and stressful environment for all users (patients, visitors and clinicians). The Ultimo is an Intensive Care patient monitoring system that changes the monitor behaviour based on who is in the patient room. The silent ICU aims to reduce stress and anxiety in the intensive care. It aims to create a calm place for patients to recover, allows visitors to feel less anxious about their loved ones and improves the clinicians work environment. A system consists of a sensor-panel, camera, beacons, PC, mounting basket, stand, and a display. The inspiration for the design comes from a vision of a Silent ICU where the patient experiences a peaceful recovery.

The project has been honoured in the Core77 Design Award 2019 in the category of Health & Wellness.



